Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mitt Romney & His Sly Smile

As a voter, Mitt Romney appears to have a second agenda that I don't trust. His sly smile of overconfidence after each remark makes him look outright arrogant. Romney desperately needs to consider how he looks to the middle class in particular. He recently made a bet in the amount of $10,000 which is utterly ridiculous that he proposes to have that much money to throw away on a bet when Americans are struggling to just make a living. Mind you, the same demographic that would find this bet offensive provides the majority of voters, silly Romney.

I find it "fishy" that he has yet to release his income tax information even after so many have brought the issue into the lime light. His delay in releasing his tax records leads me believe he has something to hide. I suspect that he is making a ridiculous amount of money by putting into practice every possible loop hole he can, to give himself his own personal tax break. How can we elect a president we can't even trust? As the state of the economy worsened, he helped himself become wealthier by paying a lower tax rate than most middle class Americans. This is not a leader. After the debate I found that Romney allegedly makes millions while paying only 15% income tax rate. Americans in the middle class make far less and yet they pay as much as 25%. Corruption has begun even before he has reached the White House.

I understand it is stereotypical of conservatives to be con gay rights; however, I cannot seem to wrap my mind around this bigotry. For Romney to claim that he believes in equal rights for homosexuals but does not support gay marriage is completely contradictory. Equal rights means that every citizen is given the same opportunities. To deny someone rights that are granted to another, like marriage for example, is not equal rights, plan and simple.

Although the primaries show that Romney is the most likely candidate to win the Republican nomination, I will not be voting in his favor unless he shapes up. I understand he needs to appeal to conservatives because that is his only chance in becoming the next president. However, to be a leader he needs to show Americans that he is in this race for their best interest and not his own.

Devoni Novak
Communication Studies 
Wilkes 2013

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