By far the most important aspect I am looking for in any candidate running for the upcoming presidential election is the creation of jobs in the U.S.. It is time for the U.S. to stop outsourcing jobs to foreign nations, specifically China and India to produce goods. China has the world's second-largest nominal GDP, totaling approximately US$7.47 trillion according to the country's National Bureau of Statistics.
Granted, there are many problems associated with pulling jobs out of China and India. One being a consumer’s willingness to accept a price increase in the products they buy. Fox example, the apple iPad. If it was produced in the U.S. alone, there would be a jump in the creation of jobs (
nearly 67,000) but the price of the already expensive $500 iPad, would jump to $729. Are people willing to buy an iPad with that much of a price hike? There might be some, but most would pass. This needs to be addressed and addressed fast before China overtakes the success of our economy and we fall into a greater recession.
The next pressing matter I would like to address would be our need to reform education. Our education system is faltering in so many ways. Throughout my life, I have seen classmates flunk multiple tests, not show up for class and treat the teacher disrespectfully yet they still pass the class and eventually get their diploma. Half of your grade, for the most part, depends on your ability to show up for class. This is sad at best.
Teachers aren’t coming to work and students are let off with an easy grade. This needs to end. Even at my college, I have had multiple professors set a deadline for a class project or paper, just for four of the same people (out of the 20 people in my class) repeatedly not meet the deadline.
Granted, this is not everyone but when I ask my friends how hard their high school was, they consistently tell me it was a joke. Your education shouldn't be a joke. A student shouldn’t be saying their education is a joke. If more people were well educated, our economy wouldn't be in such a dire state.
New rules should be in place to govern over the success of each individual; individuals meaning teachers and students. The government needs to hold every learning environment to a higher standard and cut funding for organizations that repeatedly fail at preparing students for their career.
And finally my last question to ask to a future president would be their view on censoring the Internet.
For the past 14 years of my life, I have taught myself everything I would ever need to succeed from the Internet.
The beauty of the Internet is that it is (was) censor free, information was endless and people connected sharing billions of gigabytes worth of data.
Stealing copyrighted work is wrong, but censoring the Internet because of the minute amount of people that pirate music/software/movies and books is totally preposterous.
It will only stifle growth and entrepreneurial spirit when it comes to online marketing and innovation. Would iTunes exist if Napster didn’t exist? Would NetFlix, Hulu or ONDEMAND exist if piracy didn't exist? I think not.
Take for example, Paulo Coehlo. Paulo Coehlo is a bestselling Brazilian novelist (The Alchemist) who is notorious for the promotion of his work through piracy. Ever since a pirated Russian edition of The Alchemist was posted online in 1999, he supported illegal downloading. Instead of damaging the sales of his book in Russia it sent them soaring to a million copies by 2002 and to more than 12 million today.
When the SOPA bill was up for review October 26, 2011, he promoted himself on the front page of the world’s most resilient torrenting website called thepiratebay.org based out of Sweden. The website hosted a picture of him hosting all his work for free across all operating platforms.
He concluded that the “pirates of the world need to unite and pirate everything I have ever written.”
He stated:
“The good old days, when each idea had an owner, are gone forever. First, because all anyone ever does is recycle the same four themes: a love story between two people, a love triangle, the struggle for power, and the story of a journey. Second, because all writers want what they write to be read, whether in a newspaper, blog, pamphlet, or on a wall,” he said. “The more often we hear a song on the radio, the keener we are to buy the CD. It’s the same with literature. The more people ‘pirate’ a book, the better. If they like the beginning, they’ll buy the whole book the next day, because there’s nothing more tiring than reading long screens of text on a computer screen.”
Bryan Calabro
Integrated Media/Communication Studies
Wilkes 2013